
Friday, 14 December 2012

How the Hutches got Hitched, Part 1: The Engagement

I believe my frugal streak is innate. It’s always there, even when it comes to getting married.  I laugh at how it was even there when I feel like the story really starts, 8 months before Mr. Hutch actually popped the question.
It was New Year’s eve, 2008. I had the most cheap-tastic date night planned for Mr. Hutch and I. We took the bus (free that night!) to a lovely Irish pub in one of Victoria’s most beautiful heritage buildings downtown. I usually think of this place as a bit of a tourist trap (by virtue of its location, and its overpriced drinks) but the Mr. and I were flush with gift cards that I had earned on travel points. We headed there early in the evening and had a wonderful meal and a few drinks, and left before the beginning of their “New Years Eve” party started (I think around 10pm), thereby saving ourselves the $25 cover charge. I seriously still pride myself on this lovely date that cost zero dollars.
We rang in the new year quietly at home, just the two of us. At midnight, I asked Mr. Hutch what he hoped for in the upcoming year. I was utterly shocked when he answered, “I’m going to marry you in 2009”. Yes, we may have already bought our house together, and marriage was probably a foregone conclusion, but still, I was speechless and incredibly touched.
This is where, to my own surprise, I turned into a raging girl. I am not one for jewellery, and before this point would have said I had no interest in a diamond ring. That all changed. Suddenly, I was on the hunt for an engagement ring. Mr. Hutch and I looked around, and I pointed out a few that I liked and left it to my Mr.-to-be to make the final pick. 
In August, Mr. Hutch and I took our summer vacation on one of the incredibly idyllic local islands. We rode our bikes to the beach one night with a bottle of champagne to watch the sunset. I was pretty sure what was coming. But what I didn’t see coming was the sweetest way I think a man could ask a woman to be his wife (sniff). I’m obviously biased now because of its special place in my heart, but man, Savary Island is incredible.
Mr. Hutch had chosen an exceptionally beautiful, if not unique, art-deco style dinner ring. I say that because I noticed later that the same ring was selling at a different jewellery store than from where he had purchased it. For a lower price. So I went in there and asked for them to price match, which they did, to the tune of a couple hundred bucks if I recall.
So there you have it. I may have been about to become a blushing bride, but still I had no shame.